Whether you are a student, a professional or an interested individual, everyone requires continuous improvement, growth and enhancement. Being a member of Fiji Human Resources Institute (FHRI) is an investment in your professional and personal development.

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Membership Categories


FHRI Accreditation:
Consistent Financial FHRI/AHRI Member for 5 years
Active Contribution to FHRI Activities over 5 years
10 years in a leadership/ strategic role
10 years as the Head of HR

Career Dimension: Establishing the Strategic Direction for HR
Managing a Division/ Region or group of HR Specialists

Indicative Role: Director of HR
GM of HR/ Training
HR/ Training Divisional Manager
HR/ Training Regional Manager
Business Executives

Education: Masters in HR
Graduate Diploma in HR
Other Graduate Diplomas in Management

Fee: $200 / year


FHRI Accreditation: Consistent Financial FHRI Member for 2 years
Active Contribution to FHRI Activities over 2 years
Work Experience – 8 years
Work in Management – 8 years
Post Graduate Qualifications

Career Dimension: Managing a group of HR specialists.
Managing a specialised role or general advising.

Indicative Role: HR/OHS/ Training Manager
HR/OHS/ Training Specialist
HR/OHS/ Training Generalist
HR/OHS/ Training Advisor
Senior HR/OHS/ Training Specialist

Education: Certificate in HR
Diploma in HR/IR
BComm – HR and Employment Relations
Graduate Certificate in HR/ Corporate Management
Other Graduate Certificates/ Diploma in HR

Fee: $150 / year


FHRI Accreditation: AHRI Exam or other local accredited local HR qualification, 5 years work experience

Career Dimension: Managing self/ Managing Teams

Indicative Role: HR/Training/OHS Officer
HR/Training/OHS Coordinator
HR career aspirations

Education: Diploma/ Undergraduate HR Qualifications/ TOTs Accreditation/ OHS Accreditations

Fee: $100 / year


FHRI Accreditation:

Career Dimension: Managing self – interest.

Indicative Role: MSME Entrepreneur


Fee: $80/ year


FHRI Accreditation:

Career Dimension: Freshman/ Graduate with no work experience.

Indicative Role: Graduate /First time employee

Education: Automatically qualify to upgrade to be a Member after 12 months as an Affiliate.

Fee: $20 / year


FHRI Accreditation:

Career Dimension: Tertiary student pursuing studies in HR and or Management at USP, FNU, UOF or any recognized institute.

Indicative Role: Current Student

Education: HR/Management or equivalent – OHS/ Office Administration

Fee: $20 / year